“Life is not always made up of great sacrifices, but of little things, in which kindness and smiles, done habitually, are what win and preserve the heart and secure comfort” -Anonymous
These men and women offer dependable service of ensuring a smoothly running Church liturgy, making parishioners feel comfortable worshiping God in our church. Their Christian kindness create a spirit of worship, reverence, and friendliness while maintaining the goal of minimizing distractions during mass. Their duties usually include acting as doorkeepers, assisting people with special needs, collecting the offering, and handing out bulletins. They are also available to answer visitors’ questions. They stand ready to assist anyone, and are well-versed in emergency procedures. In case of an emergency, the ushers will take the lead in getting people to safety in an orderly manner.
In many ways, the ushers are the “face” of the church, the first ones that people see when they arrive and the last ones they see as they leave. It is important that an usher be friendly, respectful, gracious, honest, and willing to serve. It is an honorable position in the church, requiring integrity, cordiality, and wisdom.
“The heart of an Usher is the heart of a servant, and he does his work for his Lord Jesus” (Colossians 3:24).