
Parish Mission

Contact Person: Josephine Woodward (609) 731-4893 : jwoodward56@optonline.net

The purpose of this committee is to bring the community together through teachings and to share the word of God. Presentations highlight Advent and Lent, along with other Catholic Christian teachings and discussions. The committee meets 4-6 times a year. Members are welcome!


Life Teen

Youth Ministers: Gabby and Manny Ramirez (gramirez@srhap.org)

Life Teen is a Catholic Youth Group organization that has active branches at parishes around the globe. St. Raphael-Holy Angels parish has an active Life Teen which is open to all teens from the ages of 13-18 (eighth grade-senior in high school). We gather together for faith, fellowship, and FUN. Teens are encouraged to discover their faith and grow that faith with like-minded peers in a safe and loving environment. Life Teen is run by our two youth ministers, husband and wife & Life Teen alumni, Manny and Gabby Ramirez and they are supported by a dedicated CORE team made up of adults aged 21+, VIRTUS trained and fingerprinted. 


Family Life

A gathering for all ages to come together, enjoy a meal, and journey through the liturgical seasons in guided retreats and spirituality programs. Other events include summer picnics, outside Mass, Adoration, and much more. Everyone is welcome to join and help build up our parish community


Franciscan Companions

Coordinator: Nancy Opalski (609) 393-0270 : pmlnao2@gmail.com

Companions share in the spirit and mission of the Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia through prayer, faith, or ministry. Like all Christians, Franciscan companions are called through baptism to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ as sister and brother with the entire human family and with all of creation. Members of the group provide hospitality in their homes and facilitate faith sharing on a rotating basis – as they are able. Our goal is to provide a safe, supportive environment where we can continue to grow in our Franciscan spirituality and encourage each other in living our call to Gospel values.



Coordinator: Trish Teague (609) 424-7444 : trishteague@yahoo.com

The mission of the Hospitality committee is to make everyone, new and current parishioners, feel that they are part of a warm, supportive, and hospitable community where all are welcome. The spiritual pillar of Christian hospitality is our call to see Christ in others. A further element of being hospitable is developing an attitude of mercy. Fostering in our hearts an attitude of mercy can in turn help us to accept all we meet.  EVERYONE who comes is in need of God’s love.  The ministers of hospitality are hosts who put a face onto the parish.  They welcome those who arrive and begin the process of forming them as a worshipping body.  Practically speaking, they can welcome with love newcomers who visit the parish and they can awaken the “regulars” to the place of love and mercy at which they have arrived.  This is done concretely by removing concerns, creating a sense of belonging and let people know, “This is a place where I can be loved”. The Hospitality Committee hosts Hospitality Sundays and provides refreshments for various parish events! Baked goods donations are always welcome.


Jesus Our Good Shepherd Prayer Group

Santa Trombino (609) 249-4219

Join us in praising and worshipping the Lord (music by Maria), reading scripture, and quiet time with the Lord. All are welcome!

Meets every Tuesday night (7pm) in the Spiritual Center Living Room
