Religious Education

The Faith Formation Program aims to deepen the faith of those being taught to enable them to “hear” the message of hope and to help them spread God’s love through life and service. Sacramental preparation classes for First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion are held in 2nd grade, and for Confirmation in 8th grade.

For more information, please contact the Faith Formation at 609-585-0542 or you can email Midge Cassarini at or Nora Williams at

2024-2025 Sacramental Programs

The following classes will be offered:
Summer Program (All Grades) – July 8-19, Monday—Friday, 9:00 am—12 Noon
Traditional Program (All Grades) – Wednesday nights, 6:15—7:30 pm (September 11-April 30)

Please download Registration Information and Registration Form.

Click here to download Registration in fill-able PDF format

Sacrament of Confirmation

First Reconciliation and First Communion


are always needed! Please consider volunteering for our Religious Education program. We have a wonderful program for Catechists, aides, substitute teachers and Hall monitors. The success of our program is dependent on the willingness of individuals to help out. Volunteering is a rewarding experience to share your faith with our parish youth. Please contact our office at 609-585-0542 for more information.