Food Pantry
Coordinator: John Margicin (609) 585-3848
Assistant: Carol Bresnen
In a world filled with God’s abundance, no one should go hungry. The Food Pantry exists to serve as a resource to our neighbors who, due to a variety of circumstances, cannot provide food for themselves and their families. This ministry serves all who seek assistance, without regard to religious affiliation, to meet their needs as Jesus would, with compassion, love, and understanding.
Health Ministry
Patty Marrone and Patti Walsh (609) 230-9003
The mission of the Parish Health Ministry is to promote awareness of physical, emotional, and mental health issues. Information is posted in the bulletin monthly regarding current health issues. Red Cross Blood Drives are hosted in the Parish Center twice yearly. One donation can save up to three lives. In the United States, someone needs blood every two seconds. Blood pressure screenings are also available.
Raphael’s Angels
Co-Group Leaders: Patricia Bisogno ( Sue Cosma ( Diane Goettler ( Debby Motherwell ( Faith Rafalski (
This joint ministry of St. Raphael-Holy Angels Parish and Interfaith Caregivers of Greater Mercer County enables home-bound seniors and disabled adults to maintain their independence and dignity. Adults who volunteer are trained and given ongoing support by Interfaith Caregivers. Volunteers may make friendly visits, provide transportation, or shop for groceries. In most cases, the volunteer works with the same care receiver for an hour or two each week.
Respect Life Committee
Moderator: Trish Teague (609) 424-7444 :
A dedicated group of individuals who are concerned with promoting the sanctity of life. We seek to provide opportunities to successfully teach that all life is sacred from conception to natural death. The Respect Life Ministry increases parish awareness of pro-life issues such as abortion, euthanasia, and capital punishment. Through prayer and activities, outreach to women experiencing unplanned pregnancies and those who are suffering from the effects of abortion, the Respect Life Ministry strives to be a visible reminder of the preciousness of each life.
Bereavement Support Group
Moderator: Deacon Bob Tharp
The mission of the St. Raphael-Holy Angels Bereavement Support Group is to reach out to those who are grieving the death of a loved one. The meetings provide an environment that allows individuals the freedom to tell their stories and to share their faith experiences with the group under the guidance of a facilitator. Why a support group? Support groups provide safety, community, spiritual consolation, understanding, and opportunities for growth beyond the pain and sorrow of grief. Group and individual help is available.
Social Concerns Committee
Coordinator: Kathy Wooley (609) 571-6698 :
The SRHA Social Concerns Ministry’s mission is to spread Christ’s love and mercy through compassion, outreach, and charity – joining with the Parish community and the community at large in serving those in need. We rely on volunteers of all ages to donate their time/monetary donations towards various projects. Since founding in 1989, two major efforts have been in support of Trenton Area Soup Kitchen clients and nursing home residents at Hamilton Grove Healthcare. Parish volunteers have served over 500 hot meals at TASK whenever there is a 5th Wednesday in the month. Our volunteers also regularly conduct monthly Bingo parties for nursing home residents, with themed raffle gifts for all. We now offer friendship, fun, and gifts to more than 60 residents on the second Tuesday of each month (1:30pm-3:30). We will continue to spearhead a variety of other smaller projects.
St Vincent de Paul Society
President: Marie Filidore –
Web site:
The St. Vincent de Paul Society, an international Catholic organization of more than 750,000 lay men and women, helps the suffering in a spirit of justice and charity with person-to-person involvement. The Society finds the face of Christ in the poor and serves everyone regardless of race, creed, or status. Members work within the parish in teams interviewing those in need who contact us. Help may include financial assistance with rent, utilities, prescriptions, and food.