
Altar Server Ministry

Moderator: Fr. Gene Daguplo (609) 585-7049 : gdaguplo@srhap.org

Bringing the youth up in the faith today is not an easy task. This ministry encourages the youth to participate more fully in the celebration of the Eucharist. Serving at the altar gives them a hands-on, personal experience of God’s work in the liturgy. Their witness of faith helps them draw closer to God and stay close to God later in life. Like all calls to ministry, it is God who makes the invitation. God calls the young to help our parish worship by being an altar server. This ministry is open to boys and girls in at least 3rd grade, who have received their First Communion and have their parent’s permission. Serving at the Altar is a special privilege. Altar Servers are close to the altar as they serve the priest, carry the cross, and carry the light of Christ. Our young altar servers wear the robe of baptism (the alb) – which is a sign of their position in the community as baptized people, hold the book of the prayers (the Roman Missal), and they help the priest and deacons at the altar. 



Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (Mass)

Coordinator: Lou Monticchio (609) 585-3081

The reception of Holy Eucharist is the most intimate act a faithful Catholic can enter into with Our Lord. Truly it is Christ Himself who is received when one receives Holy Communion. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are graced with the privilege of sharing Christ’s Body and Blood with others. This ministry must, therefore, be regarded with the utmost dignity and reverence. Ministers should possess sufficient maturity and make sure to not call attention to themselves or to distract from the flow of the celebration. All ministers of Holy Communion should show the greatest reverence for the Most Holy Eucharist by their demeanor, their compassionate presence, and the manner in which they handle the consecrated bread or wine.


Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (Hospital and Homebound)

Coordinator for Hospital: Lou Monticchio (609) 585-3081

Coordinator for Homebound: Open

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion connect the Parish Community to the home or hospital, when needed. When we return to our pews after receiving Communion, we see those that gather at the altar to be handed the Eucharist by the priest for distribution to those that are unable to attend Mass due to health issues or other circumstances. After Mass, when we leave the Church and begin our Sunday activities, these individuals carry the most Holy Eucharist out into the community – to homes, nursing homes, and hospitals. For those who are sick or homebound, it is heartwarming and comforting to see a familiar face walk into the room. The visit, the prayers, and the Eucharist are truly gifts for them. 


Music Ministry

Lori Hoos (609) 462-2929 : lhoos@srhap.org

If God has placed in your heart a desire to sing or ring His praises, please consider becoming part of our parish Music Ministry! No auditions, musical knowledge, or previous experience is required. We currently have four uplifting choirs to consider:

  • Worship for Youth: comprised of Saint Raphael School, Public School, and Faith Formation Students Grades K-8
  • Adult Choir: Perfect for High School and All Adult Age Levels!
  • Contemporary Ensemble: Perfect for High School and All Adult Age Levels!
  • Handbell Choir: Perfect for High School and All Adult Age Levels! (more…)

Rosary-Altar Society

President: Patricia Marrone (908) 581-0410

The primary purpose of the Rosary-Altar Society is to offer praise and honor the Blessed Virgin Mary. Through recitation of the rosary, frequent attendance at Mass, and the reception of Holy Communion, each member attains personal sanctification. Membership is open to all Catholic women and men. Members are devoted to the Rosary and help care for the sanctuary and altar of the Church. They are caretakers of the most sacred place on our grounds: the Church sanctuary. 
