Hospitality Committee
Coordinator: Trish Teague
“For I was a stranger and you welcomed Me” Matthew 24:25
The mission of Hospitality Committee is to make everyone, new and current parishioners feel that they are part of a warm, supportive and hospitable community where “all are welcome.” The spiritual pillar of Christian hospitality is our call to see Christ in others. A further element of being hospitable is developing an attitude of mercy. Fostering in our hearts an attitude of mercy can in turn help us to accept all we meet. EVERYONE who comes is in need of God’s love. The ministers of hospitality are hosts who put a face onto the parish. They welcome those who arrive and begin the process of forming them as a worshipping body. Practically speaking, they can welcome with love newcomers who visit the parish and they can awaken the “regulars” to the place of love and mercy at which they have arrived. This is done concretely by removing concerns, creating a sense of belonging and let people know, “This is a place where I can be loved”.
“Do not neglect hospitality, for through it some have unknowingly entertained angels.” Heb 13:2
This ministry is composed of warm, friendly people who are interested in working together to create an attractive and festive atmosphere for various parish events. The committee organizes several events during the year, including Hospitality Sunday. The first Sunday of each month, we serve bagels, donuts, coffee, etc.
Ask yourself: How welcoming am I?
I am a welcoming presence in my parish.
I am welcoming in my facial expressions and my mannerisms.
I see Christ in others. Do others see Christ in me?
I greet people as I approach the church.
I greet people in the gathering space of the church.
I make a conscious decision to speak positively about the Catholic Church, my parish, my pastor, etc.
I make a conscious effort to participate in the Mass to give glory to God and give good example to others.
I extend Christ’s peace to others, looking them in the eye, and acknowledging everyone around me.
We invite you all to cultivate a hospitable heart and help to create a more welcoming atmosphere in our church community. We appreciate any volunteers that would like to help out at our events. If you are interested in becoming involved in this ministry, opportunities are available for Hospitality Sunday at 7:30, 9:30 and 11:30 am Masses. Pick the time that works best for you. Please email Trish Teague or call the Rectory (609) 585-7049.