Altar Server Ministry
Moderator: Fr. Gene Daguplo (609) 585-7049
Assistant Moderator: Deacon David Colter
Bringing the youth up in the faith today is not an easy task. This ministry encourages the youth to participate more fully in the celebration of the Eucharist. Serving at the altar gives them a hands-on, personal experience of God’s work in the liturgy. Their witness of faith helps them draw closer to God and stay close to God later in life. The presence of these young people at the altar reminds us that Catholics of every age have gifts to offer and a role in the ministry. Through their service, altar servers inspire parishioners with hope for the future of our Church.
Like all calls to ministry, it is God who makes the invitation. God calls the young to help our parish worship by being an altar server. This ministry is open to boys and girls in at least 3rd grade, who have received their First Communion and have their parents’ permission. Serving at the Altar is a special privilege. Altar Servers are close to the altar as they serve the priest, they carry the cross, they carry the light of Christ. Our young altar servers wear the robe of baptism (the alb),which is a sign of their position in the community as baptized people. They hold the book of the prayers (the Roman Missal), and they help the priest and deacons at the altar. How wonderful this is!
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“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6