Parish Pastoral Council
Facilitator: Lou Monticchio
Recorder: Deacon Rich Arcari
Convener: Nancy Rhodes
Agenda Team: Fr. Gene Daguplo
Spiritual Formation Team: Pat Langon
Established in February, 2017, the Parish Pastoral Council of St. Raphael-Holy Angels Parish is dedicated to promoting the mission of Jesus Christ in all areas of parish life. Under the direction of our Pastor, Father Gene Daguplo, we endeavor to discern the current state of the parish and to identify our areas of strength as well as the areas that need improvement. Our purpose is to advise the Pastor and Parish leadership in each of the seven elements of parish life: Evangelization, Word, Worship, Stewardship, Service, Community, and Leadership. Together with parish ministry leaders, we recently completed a Parish Assessment exercise. The next project will be to recruit leaders from the Parish to assist in writing a Parish Pastoral Plan, which will provide direction and guidance for ministries, organizations and parish activities for a period of three to five years. We hope to complete the development of the Parish Pastoral Plan during the first half of 2018.
Mission Statement We, the members of St. Raphael-Holy Angels Church, are called by God to be the visible, compassionate and healing presence of Jesus in our world. We aspire to be signs of faithful discipleship by worshipping the Trinity, igniting our youth, ministering to those in need, providing lifelong religious and spiritual formation and respecting life in all its forms. As disciples of the Lord, we strive to:
- Know God- through the teachings of scripture, revelation and Catholic tradition;
- Love God- by loving one another as Jesus loves us, with care, respect, compassion and mercy;
- Serve God- by being stewards of God’s creation through service to our parish, school, community and world.
Parish Pastoral Council Vision Statement
With God’s grace, we dedicate ourselves to:
- becoming a joyful, hospitable parish community, continually growing in faith, hope and love
- worshipping with a profound sense of gratitude, joy adoration and praise;
- reaching out to those who have fallen away from active practice of the faith or sacraments
- becoming a beacon of hope for those who seek meaning and purpose in life;
- welcoming all as brother and sister, striving to be a bridge between generations, ethnic communities and those who are in any way isolated or marginalized by society;
- sharing our gifts, talents and resources in generous service to the Church and community.
Core Values
- Community
- Stewardship
- Word
- Evangelization
- Leadership
- Worship
- Service
- Respect for Life
- Promoting Catholic Education