Respect Life Committee

Respect Life Committee

Coordinator:  Diane DiGiovacchino
Moderator:  Deacon Rich Arcari

A dedicated group of individuals who are concerned with promoting the sanctity of life.  We seek to provide opportunities to successfully teach that all life is sacred from conception to natural death. The Respect Life Ministry increases parish awareness of pro-life issues such as abortion, euthanasia, and capital punishment. Through prayer and activities, outreach to women experiencing unplanned pregnancies and those who are suffering from the effects of abortion, the Respect Life ministry strives to be a visible reminder of the preciousness of each life.

Open to all parishioners who are interested in promoting the value and worth of human life. The committee meets the 2nd Tuesday of the  month Sept -June  at 6:30 in the Fr Emmons Room. Please read the bulletin for current announcements.

Healing after Abortion
Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat . November 11-13, 2023

As a pro-life people, our hearts ache for the millions of babies lost to abortion. However, little is heard about the tremendous emotional pain, regret and crippling remorse that many women and men experience following an abortion. These women and men are also victims of a culture of death. They suffer a traumatic wound, with consequences that can last a lifetime. As a pro-life people, our hearts ache for them, too. Rachel’s Vineyard is a weekend retreat that offers these wounded women and men an opportunity to walk with Christ through the complex circumstances that led to abortion, as well as the devastating aftermath. Rachel’s Vineyard also provides a blessed opportunity for women and men to begin processing their grief, and to memorialize their children. There is no judgment. There is just an atmosphere of fellowship, compassion, and healing. If an abortion is impacting you, remember that God loves you, just as much as He loves your child. If you would like to experience a weekend of God’s love and mercy for yourself, please contact Judy Warenkiewicz at 732-536-6871. All inquiries are strictly confidential. 

Project Rachel – Hope and Healing after Abortion

Are you or someone you know suffering as a result of involvement in an abortion? Post abortive grief isvery real and can manifest itself in many different ways over the course of many years. Please consider contacting Project Rachel for help. Project Rachel is a healing network which connects those in need with professional counseling or with priests specially prepared to offer counsel and/or the sacraments to those suffering after an abortion. Call the Diocesan confidential Project Rachel phone line at: 609-406-7435 for more information or referrals. For other Project Rachel resources go to There is no sin too great for God’s infinite love and mercy.