PTA (Parent-Teacher Association)
Saint Raphael School (609) 585-7733
Advisor Mrs. Ann Cwirko
Teacher Liason Mrs. Beth Chiarello
PTA fosters parental involvement at multiple levels within the community and the school. The organization directs and coordinates parental support of St. Raphael School through the school volunteer program, social events and fundraising activities. We focus on providing opportunities for parents and students to be an active part of our organization.
With everyone’s help, the PTA will continue to be a strong, successful and diverse organization. Please consider how you can help. Thanks to those who give so much time and money to St. Raphael School.
PTA Officers 2019-2020
President: Matthew Kraemer
Treasurer: Jennifer Petrino
Recording Secretary: Jennifer Santiago
Corresponding Secretary: Kimberly Crenshaw-Jenkins
Committee Members
Ways and Means: Dina Sommerer and Amy Podoloski
Spirituality: Melissa Brachelli and Samantha Kraemer
Special events: Nicole Browning, Sohni Dailey, and Dez Spoto
Hospitality: Erica Witzel, Laurie Komjati, and Alyssa Zsneak