Perpetual Adoration Chapel
Coordinator: John Margicin (609) 585-3848
“Be still and know I am God” Psalm 46:10
Life can be tough sometimes, we have decisions to make, relationships to sustain, hurts that need healing and direction to seek. These sufferings make us yearn more for God, to hear from Him and understand what He truly desires for us. In our noisy, bustling world, it is difficult to take the time to listen and hear our dear Lord. To truly hear from God, we need to unplug, get to a quiet place to gather our thoughts, and listen. Private time in the Blessed Sacrament is one of the most effective ways of drawing closer to Jesus. There we can let go and pour our heart out, speak with Him about everything. We can offer Him our petitions, our concerns, our troubles, our joys, our gratitude, our disappointments, our needs and our aspirations. In the silence of our hearts we can hear Him, we are nourished, we are enlightened, we find the answer.
All are welcome to adore, engage in deeper devotion and quiet intimacy with our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament in our Adoration Chapel. Pray for peace: in ourselves, in our families, in our community, in our nation and in the world. The Adoration Chapel is located in the Spiritual Center, which is on the campus of St. Raphael Church. It is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Please prayerfully consider becoming a regular Eucharistic adorer, be assured that if you give the gift of an hour of your time to Jesus, He will bestow on you blessings and peace that cannot be imagined! God cannot be outdone in generosity!
Adorers are needed for various hours, especially in the afternoon. To become an Adorer, please call John Margicin, in the Chapel Office (609) 585-3848 or drop off the sign-up form at the Chapel. The following hours need immediate coverage:
FRI 10pm SAT 8am,5pm SUN 7am,4pm, 5pm